Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I'm Gonna Pop Some Tags, Then I'm Gonna Resell Them

Okay, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm that person with a closet stuffed so full you can't move the hangers on the bar. Seriously, it's ridiculous and I love it. As a clothing hoarder, I have to say that the hardest part isn't the ridiculous amounts of money or the hours of shopping, it's letting go of clothes that you no longer wear/no longer fit. No one wants to donate a top they spent $50 on (madddd props to the people that do though, you're fundamental in what I do), but you also have to make room and let things go eventually. 

About a year ago I found this clothing resell application called Poshmark. I used it for a few days, didn't really get it, and deleted the app. Fast forward four months to me preparing to go on vacation. I wanted extra spending money and wanted to sell some clothing, but also didn't want the eBay hassle. Re-downloaded Poshmark and got to work. This was the best decision I've ever made. I don't use Poshmark as my full time job, but some people do and it is totally possible. 

I started just selling random clothing items I hadn't worn in a while, my first sale was a pair of Asics and a VS Pink bra. I had the first $40 direct deposited in to my bank account and I was hooked. Since then I have sold 183 items and earned a profit of $1,069. Recently I became a suggested user and my closet pops up on other people's feeds to show them my closet. 

Recently I began thrifting, flipping, and reselling. I spend hours upon hours two days a week going to different local thrift stores and buying items to sell. I only look for name brands, but once in a while if something is super cute I'll give it a shot. Brands I really look for are Victoria's Secret & Pink, J. Crew, Anthropology and Nike. I keep a log of how much I've paid for each item so that when I offer sales, etc. I won't accept a price lower than what I paid. With Poshmark, quality is important, but the more you sell, the more you'll make. People love to bundle (buy multiple items from one closet to save on shipping) and having more items = more bundle sales. Below are some items I have purchased thrifting and cleaned up to resell for a profit.

A big part of Poshmark is how you present yourself. I am currently in the process of rebranding my closet, but it's still super cool to see how far I've come. While these items did sell, looking back on the photos I took, I definitely wish I had done things differently.
These photos aren't well styled, or lit. Items photographed in natural lighting sell about 25x faster than items listed with flash or dark photos.

These are some recent items I've listed with better photography.

Which items would you pick? I'd definitely go with the second set. 

Poshmark is all about learning and growing and adapting with the needs of customers. While it is hard to predict what people will buy, it is a major game of luck, it is possible to ride out current trends to make the most profit possible. 

Some recent items that I've purchased to resell include a reversible Ralph Lauren winter vest, several J. Crew skirts, Nike Athletic tank tops, and Wacoal, VS, and Aerie bras. While I do still sell items from my own closet, I do love to shop a little too much, I am beginning to grow my business of flipping items.

If you're interested in joining in this awesome site, sign up here! Use the code NSFHE when you sign up and you'll get $5 added to your account to go towards your first purchase!

Check out my closet here!
Check out my posh Instagram here!

Thanks for reading & happy Poshing!

1 comment:

  1. I've sold a lot of baby clothes on poshmark, definitely an app to remember.
